What is the point of this blog, and who is it for?

I started this blog about 4 years ago as a way to record my daily food drawings as a personal project. Then, in February 2012 I tried the 30 day vegan challenge and the website evolved.

It became a random assortment of blog posts writing about the meat industry and veganism, posting my own thoughts and relevant news articles, and even recipes as I participated in Vegan Mofo. All of this may have just been to get me started, and will end up evolving yet again.

Basically, there are two issues I am passionate about: the future of the planet for my children and the plight of the animals. They are both very important and they are also connected. It is a huge social movement and sometimes seems way too daunting to change the world’s accepted norms. However, it is also very exciting since it is something WE as regular people and consumers can make a difference about, every day, three times a day. I can’t make the world stop using fossil fuels, but I can vote with my dollar and my food choices against factory farms, drought, rain forest deforestation, and world hunger. It is amazing that we have this power and that we can actually do this.

I’ll be trying some different ideas out to see what is the best direction. For now, I feel strongly that this is not a blog for vegans, but rather for meat-eaters, meat-reducers, vegetarians and aspiring vegans. My next step will be finding a focus group I can run some of my ideas past. I do not want them to be vegan. As with design, it is so easy to get caught up with what we think works, or what we like. But we are not our audience.

Thank you for being part of the journey, and I value your input.

P.S. If you are a non-vegan and want to be part of the focus group, email me at amy@eat4thefuture.com or leave a comment.